





Resonance Across Different Realms

The past is the launching point for innovating the future

Rooms Studio, an interior design and home collectibles design studio born in Tbilisi, Georgia, was founded by Nata Janberidze and Keti Toloraia in 2007, marking it as the first studio operated by women at that time. Located in Tbilisi, a melting pot of multiculturalism, they excel at drawing inspiration from the rich historical and cultural heritage of Eastern Europe, blending it with cutting-edge contemporary design. By transforming inspirations garnered from Tbilisi's time-honored streets, architecture, ancient patterns, and shapes, they have created a unique design language that embodies both primitive and modern values and symbolism.

Rooms Studio has consistently upheld the traditions of Georgian craftsmanship, crafting by hand with natural materials. They capture functional elements amidst decorative motifs, or the immense beauty in fleeting, practical, and anonymous designs, breaking through traditional constraints with a distinctive female touch. These creations, honed by traditional artisans, weavers, and manufacturers, convey a primal, uniquely precious connection with humanity. A defining characteristic of Rooms Studio lies in the extensive reuse of sculptural forms and elements, allowing history and art to continuously intertwine as they seek a balance between solidity and fluidity, permanence, and the fleetingness of moments through practice.

The creations of Rooms Studio are intuitive and fluid.
In its nine independent series and collaborative works, Rooms Studio delves into the exploration of the boundaries between the public and private realms, seamlessly integrating a decade's worth of observations and reflections on culture and social transformations by Janberidze and Toloraia.


Iconic Collections The Wild Minimalism Collection

The Wild Minimalism Collection showcases an intriguing interplay between the ancient and the modern, weaving together a poetic tapestry of everyday life. The craftsmanship and authentic quality of the works celebrate and pay homage to the centuries-long heritage of Georgian artisanal traditions.



Sacral Geometry Collection

The Sacral Geometry Collection, in collaboration with artist Shotiko Aptsiauri, has been imbued with a powerful sensory appeal. The combination of robust and foundational geometric structures with wax material endows the works with both functional and symbolic significance.


Life On Earth Collection

Permanence is a leitmotif that runs through the whole collection, which captures the forms of everyday life in time, serving as a testament to the intriguing "life on Earth."
It is not difficult to discern the power of women in the works of Rooms Studio, where Eastern and Western cultures are seamlessly fused in a unique and coherent manner, echoing a common trait shared by Rooms Studio and ANEST COLLECTIVE.
The inheritance of ancient craftsmanship is akin to a century-long dialogue, infusing modern design with distant imagination.



"ANEST COLLECTIVE ACT I Collection & Rooms Studio Furniture Works, featured at Rooms Studio Studio."

Rooms Studio's designs exude a sense of transcendence that resonates with ANEST COLLECTIVE, both focusing intently on details and utilizing modernist techniques to lead viewers on an artistic journey filled with bursts of inspiration.
Similarly, ANEST, born in Shanghai, envisions its brand as a gallery where art and collections intertwine, presenting fashion as fluid sculptures that embody timeless creativity.

ANEST COLLECTIVE x Rooms Studio A Poetic Intersection of Cross-Cultural Art, Coming Soon


The two founders of Rooms Studio are stylishly attired in the ANEST COLLECTIVE – ACT I Collection.

Project Content directed by | Valentina DOP | Tato Kotetishvili Styling | Francesca Cefiscasoli Video Editing | Lucia Martine Garcia Color | Grading Zoe Fisherman Sound | Etienne Andre